Teacher Assistant Fellowship
Join NYC Men Teach in our mission to recruit and support male teachers of color in NYC Public Schools. As teachers start their careers, we offer fellowships and professional learning opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students and those looking to gain additional experience with NYC Men Teach schools and teachers through our Teacher Assistant Fellowship. As pre-service teachers supported by a cooperating teacher at one of our NYC Men Teach schools, our Fellows engage in professional learning led by NYC Men Teach teachers designed to support their retention and development as effective early-career culturally responsive educators.

At NYC Men Teach, we offer four different Fellowships for our pre-service teachers! Financial Literacy, Track I and II are only offered during the Fall/Spring, and the Summer Bridge Teacher Assistant Fellowship occurs during Summer School. As part of the NYC Men Teach Teacher Assistant Fellowship, participants collaborate with the NYC Men Teach Central Team and NYCMT TAFs to provide tutoring support for DOE students. Teacher Assistant Fellows will be selected through an application and commitment process conducted by NYC Men Teach staff in consultation with network principals. TAFs that complete the Fellowship program and in-school internship are eligible to receive a stipend toward their educational journey.