Who We Are
NYC Men Teach is the nation’s boldest effort to diversify the teaching pipeline by recruiting and supporting more men of color to become teachers in New York City schools. A collaboration between the Office of the Mayor’s Young Men’s Initiative (YMI), NYC Department of Education, and the City University of New York, NYC Men Teach will bring more diverse cultures and perspectives into our classrooms by increasing the number of male educators of color in schools. As an initiative, NYC Men Teach assists interested candidates in finding the pathway to certification that is best for them, in addition to providing hiring, mentoring, professional development, and leadership support and opportunities.
Upcoming Events
As an initiative, NYC Men Teach hosts numerous events focused on increasing awareness about the initiative, its work, building community and continuing professional learning among pre-service and in-service educators, and several community-wide and public-facing events throughout the year. Click here to see highlights from one of our past NYC Men Teach Showcase events.

Pipeline Programs
There will be an additional 1,000 men of color in our teacher pipeline by 2021.
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Program Support
Mentors and CUNY counselors provide guidance and support.
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Professional Development
Professional development, program fellowships, and innovative school partnerships are ongoing.
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Teaching Pathways
We showcase a variety of pathways to teaching through our network.
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You’re in good company
We are appreciative of our partnerships. Visit them to help us continue to support our mission.

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